The Purpose of the Federation of Reformed Churches

Presbyter Paul Slish

The Federation of Reformed Churches (FORC) exists to glorify God. Its primary purpose is to serve and nurture local churches.

The FORC enables local churches to give concrete expression to their connection to the catholic church. -- Ephesians 4:1-6.

Our churches worship God within the bounds set by scripture with a primary focus on the Word and Sacraments. -- Psalm 29:1-2; John 4:23-24

The FORC adheres to the inerrancy and all-sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures (the 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament), which is the final authority in all matters of life and doctrine. -- Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:14-16

While the FORC considers no other written document to be of the same authority as Scripture, its members hold to the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Creed of Chalcedon.

The FORC believes that the historic Reformed confessions best define the system of doctrine taught in the Scriptures. The specific choice of these confessional documents resides with each member church.

The FORC's distinct positions include:

  • That the world was created out of nothing in six normal days thousands of years ago.
  • We believe in an optimistic eschatology.
  • We believe in the Kingship of the Lord Jesus over all of life and culture now.
  • We believe in a Presbyterial form of church government. Each church is governed by its own Presbytery. Councils and Synods comprise the FORC's broader courts. Synod conducts business pertinent to the entire FORC and also provides mutual accountability and encouragement among Presbyters.
  • We believe in an adherence to Biblical ethics.
  • We believe the Lord's Supper is an essential part of Christian worship. Therefore with humility and reverence we recognize the need to receive this holy sacrament in the weekly gathering of God's people.
  • We practice baptism of all believers and their children. All baptized adults and children in good standing, including feeble-minded and senile persons, are joyfully welcomed into the Eucharistic celebration (Communion). We practice what is commonly called paedo-communion.

Interested churches are encouraged to examine our Book of Order on the web site and to contact the FORC administrator for more information.